Saturday, December 1, 2007

New Beginnings.

So I just launched this blog today, 1 December 2007. I've imported notes from to start things off. At the moment I'm tying up the loose ends of a very strange semester, my 2nd to last. In the spring I'll finish writing a thesis about 20th Century American war literature and I'll also finish producing a short documentary film about the deployment & homecoming experiences of 21st Century American veterans. Things have been quite busy recently.

I've also been busy figuring out how to get over to Iraq as a journalist. First I should probably graduate from college, but what the hell, I'm almost 30 years old, what difference does it make. Wish me luck. If you happen to belong to a combat unit and you think your unit might like to have an embedded reporter, let me know. I'll be there lickety split (well, give me a couple of months, at least until April).

I attended Juan Cole's presentation on the Iraqi and Afghan constitutions at the University of Virginia yesterday. I was overjoyed to discover that the situation is even more complicated than I thought, even more rotten at the core. I was interested to hear that Moqtada al-Sadr is anti-US, anti-Iran, and anti-Iraq. He doesn't like central government, no matter who heads it. I'm havinng trouble deciding whether that's good news or bad news.

Alright. I've spent too much time already today setting this account up, so I'll have to return another day for the first real post. Until then, peace in the middle east.

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